November 5, 2007

I only have a few minutes to write because I just wrote Zach a long congratulatory email. I'm sorry, I hate when I have no time to write. I'll just say the basics this week. I don't think you need to send that Christmas package this early. I've heard from other missionaries that their families sent things early around the holidays and it ended up getting there in a timely fashion and they had Christmas boxes just sitting there a month before Christmas. So, wait a little while please. I don't want to be all Tom Hanks in Castaway style just staring at this box. Also, I'm pretty sure you guys will call me on Christmas, I don't call you. I just tell you the number to call me on and then I'll be there at that time. I think. That's what Redd tells me. I'll give you more info on that later as I figure it out. I don't have sores on my feet anymore, don't worry. That's not my problem now. Actually, my current problem is with the tendinitis at my ankle on my right foot. It's really painful and I'm thinking about going back to the doctor. Zone Conference is on Thursday so I'll ask Sister and Presidente about that then. My knees are sore, but not any worse than they've been. I'm not too worried about that. It's just this pain at my ankle. I can't even move my foot without it hurting. If I don't have padded shoes on it hurts to walk.
OH! What I wanted to tell you last week that I forgot about was that I WANT THE NEW RADIOHEAD BOX SET THING THAT'S COMING OUT SOON. Ask Michelle or Chelsea or Jonny about how to go about doing that. Radiohead is doing this amazing thing where their new album is available on the internet and you just go to their website and you pay whatever you think it's worth and you get the songs. If you pay I think $80 or higher you get a box set thing with vinyls and cd's and booklets and art and all kinds of stuff sent to your house. All the music magazines say it will "revolutionize the industry!!!" or whatever. Please get it for me for Christmas and leave it in my room somewhere where it won't collect too much dust for the next
year or so. It's all I want.
Dad, I re-read your letter about the Hazard guy every once in a while. I love reading that. It's interesting and makes me think of you. Send me more stories about what you learn. I love it. Also, are you remembering not to cut that corner on Mclellan and Val Vista? You better be.
Mom, thank you for being so concerned about me all the time and always wanting to send me things to help me. I really appreciate it. I love you so much and I miss watching gay design shows on TV with you late at night. Tell me about Design Envy stuff. I want to hear how it's all going. Did you say Boren's want an elevator? Or did I dream that or something? I don't remember.
Have a good week everyone. I promise to send pictures next week.

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